Friday, 18 April 2014

The One Who Chose' US ' Above Everything Else!!!!

Who is man that you are mindful of us,Who is man that you would give up your family and chances of having a life for us.Inspite of our frailty,inspite of the fact that we received you not.Inspite of the fact that your own disciple that you counted on denied you three times.You still stepped up and you took the cross on your shoulders.They mocked you and called you names,you could have called on a legion of angels; with one word they could  all be destroyed instantly .Yet,you humbled yourself you stayed put ,you endured the lashes and you carried the cross all the way to Golgotha with people still  mocking you all the way up there and you did not change your mind.You were nailed in the hands and in the feet.Your own father looked away from you because you carried the weight of our sin

Eli ,Eli lama sabacthani? that is " My God , My God, why have You Forsaken Me?"-Mark 15:34

but you still chose to endure rather than complain or be upset that we had condemned you .Just before you died a robber called out to you for mercy and immediately you received him.

I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise - Luke 23:34

 You didn't consider the fact that you the king of kings and Lord of Lords ,owner of the universe was being crucified with a robber,You did not consider all the things prior to that .You immediately received him and  as if that was not enough while enduring the pain on the cross .You were still thinking of us and so compelled by your love for us that you uttered

 Father Forgive them for they not what they are doing - Luke 23:34

Then the veil was torn in two, brought down, so that we who are not deserving can receive the love openly displayed for us.That we can come into your presence boldly and can cry out Abba father. Oh father to you be the glory ,to you be the honor , to you be the adoration.

Your love is amazing,it's mind puzzling, It's  indescribable,it's all I want, all I need and more. There is nothing we could ever do that could measure up to your love but today, we thank you for the cross and the limitless benefits it brings.

Video credit -You Tube

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Food For Thought ; You Are Forgiven!!!!

 Show me a person that has never sinned and I'll show you the face of a Liar from the Pit of Hell. Show me a person that has never made a mistake and I'll show you the face of a liar from the same pit of hell. Some way some how there are things you might have done that you are not proud of. There might even be mistakes made that may just be between you and God but the Truth is you do not have to leave in that state of  guilt and shame.You do not have to be a prey to the accuser(satan) of the brethren. Jesus Christ came in his fulness and made a public spectacle of satan and his followers for you.  It could be just a chapter in your life and not the entire story of  your life .I mean that you could choose to be a product of your past and wrongs and not a Prisoner of It. His name is Higher than any name , any type of guilt shame and wrongdoing. All you need is repent.Call upon him with a sincere heart  for forgiveness whosoever calls upon his name shall be saved -rom 10:13 then receive forgiveness and believe you are forgiven.
The bible says   As far as the east is from the west so has he removed  our transgressions  from us - psalm 103:12  He has removed your sins away from you the past is the past receive his complete forgiveness, unfailing love and embrace the future.

Picture Credit : Joseph

Friday, 11 April 2014

Quit Chasing Shadows Embrace You!!!!!

Some say the  most important relationship is interpersonal but I found that  an intrapersonal relationship is much more rewarding because you can only give what you have , if you do not love yourself you cannot love others.If you do not love yourself, you cannot believe in yourself.No matter how many times you are told to if you cannot get passed the barrier of embracing self,It would be a constant struggle to believe in yourself or take on anything else.

One of the major reasons why people don't believe in themselves  is because many of us have compared ourselves so much to others that when you stand in the mirror, all you see is  all the comparisons made out in your head. I mean If only you were as beautiful as.....,If only you had the job of.....,If only you could sing as much as ,if only you looked a lot bit like. The funny thing about it is that sometimes we already have our own thing going or are on the verge of it but because you are so concerned about comparing ourselves with others , you cannot see it and you cannot  see anything about yourself to  love. You cannot hear it when God says you are made in his image and likeness and that when he created you,Yes You , he said you were Good and that's what matters. I mean there is a difference  when somebody else says you are good or you are beautiful and God says  You are "Good". With God it is permanent.Even though' the earth be removed the word of the Lord is forevermore".I tell you, the day  you realise that you  don't need to compare yourselves constantly to others,  is the day you begin to look inward and spend time to discover what God had deposited inside of you. In Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.Sometimes it will require  plastering it on your mirror and saying it to yourself out loud so that your mind and spirit can lay hold of it.That you are not just good, you are God's masterpiece made in his image and his likeness for good works. You are not a mistake .He does not make mistakes . You were not made to simply exist or copy. There is something unique to you that only you can give .You are a light to shine in whatever field you find yourself in.

It's Funny how writing this , I had a major flashback to my childhood days, when we teased one of my cousins of how her voice wasn't anything near Mariah Carey's voice(she really loved her)lol. I mean we did this  from school till we got home. The interesting thing was she would always yell back at us that 'She didn't have to be like Mariah'. Her voice was special just the way it was. On some days, she would say this out loud  with tears in her eyes and that will make us remorseful for the day then we chose another day to pick on her again. She has a pretty amazing voice and I seriously do not know why we did it(Thank God for the blood of Jesus that changed our hearts)but you know what comes to mind now.

We were young quite alright but she knew that her voice was unique and regardless of the fact that there might be other people with voices better than hers , she just knew hers was special and she was not going to let us or anybody else put her down or make her see her gift as insignificant.  As long as it was given to you by God then you should not see your gift as insignificant. She was a little girl but she had come to embrace her voice ,embrace her own craft, she was not chasing anyone per say but was more interested in spending time with her gift , nurturing it and investing it as she joined her school choirs, went for competitions and mehn did she sing boldly when she had competitions.

Loving you is what  brings about that self confidence that no man can give.With that self confidence comes courage to stand and  face obstacles that come your way. It helps you embrace your uniqueness,love it and treasure it.The truth is, it is quite frustrating trying to be somebody else or be a copy.It is only a deprivation to the enhancement of  the greatness inside of you because when you are so focused on others, you loose the time to harness, realise and build on the giftings God has placed inside of you.There comes a point in your life where you have to block out all that noise and realise that your competition should be with yourself and In order to achieve anything in your life ,you have to accept that as long as you were created by him,(the manufacturer) there is a purpose for you(product).

I heard a story of a young man who had been coming to church and was trying so hard to give up his drug dealing skills .He had  told his pastor that  was all he knew to do and he was not like other people with degrees or  amazing skills.There was nothing particularly special about him . I love the pastors reply.He told him that selling drugs was an act that required getting the word around(marketing),ensure customers are satisfied (customer service) and managing funds.Surely that can be translated into something more positive.This man had these gifts all along but could not see them because he had spent most of the time comparing himself to others thus limiting himself.

I also came across a story which hits close to home about a young lady who  had an amazing voice but It was not the same as the high soprano pitch voices of some other people in her life ,so to her, it was not sufficient and was not good enough.In spite of the fact that countless people had told her to embrace her tone because it was beautiful,she tried so hard to sound like the others.She thought her voice was ok but it just did not measure up in comparison to the others. Due to this, she was prevented from growing into her own. It was not until  she came to the realisation that everyone had their nitche and it was important to embrace hers that she quit chasing the shadows.
 She entered into true freedom  and became thankful for her gift .Soon enough,confidence came not  necessarily because of what people told her, but because she knew that God gave her that gift , it may be different but it was a gift from God and she will spend time with it,develop it and gain confidence in order to become her own.

The Final aspect which I can totally relate to,  is comparing yourself to other christians. I get looking up to people however when we look up to people , to the point that it becomes the most vital thing to us and we don't know who we are following anymore whether it is Jesus or it is the person,then there is a Problem. Have we forgetten that we are changed as we behold his face from glory to glory.

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the word of God ] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into his very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another [for this comes} from the lord [ Who is the Spirit. - 2 Cor 3 : 18.

The truth is as long as your today is better than your yesterday then you are on the right track.Everybody cannot be at the same pace, we were not all saved on the same day,our individual relationships with God is unique and thats ok.
Being concerned with how things should be ,what people expect of you,  how things are supposed to be, will only hold us back from his fullness and from living a progressive life.What you need is to" breathe". You live a real life and not an act.You are in contact with a real and progressive God who changes you from glory to Glory.You need to stop trying to the job of the Potter.Let the Potter Mould you into whom he had predestined you to be. Stop focusing on others .Turn your eyes unto him.His Spirit within you is more than sufficient to show you how to will and to do of his good pleasure.

As for you the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you.But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as the anointing is real, not counterfeit -just as it has taught you, remain in him.1 John 2:27

As long as he is Lord over our lives, he will lead us. We know what to do because we are in contact with a God that is alive.Some people have gotten so carried away with what people expect from us or trying to be like others that we don't even remember the last time we spent time with ourselves,with your thoughts or just being still.Neglecting the fact that it is in the stillness that we can be attentive to what the potter is saying .Stop looking to others concerning the path you think your life should take.

My son attend to my words: Incline Thine ear unto my sayings .Let Them Not depart from thine eyes; Keep them in the midst of thine heart.For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Prov 4:20 -22

Sometimes we just need to cry out and say lord you made me and you said you have given me all that pertains to life.Father Guide me lead me, I don't want to  look to anyone else but you "the Way "because it is in you that I find myself .Father I choose to be thankful for the gifts you have given me, all that I am , all that I have  and for your spirit that guides me and helps me every step of the way .I choose to embrace me,embrace myself in you and choose to live each day in the freedom you have given me

Photo Credit - World Wide Web

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Wednesday Song Day!!!

This Week's Song Of the week, is inspired by Psalm 121.Sometimes you have to remind yourself of who your source and God is. Be encouraged that he does not forget his own and he never will.He makes a way in the wilderness for you and as long as you are his, He will keep you and make a way.  Keep your Head Up God Has Got You !!!!!!!

Psalm 121
I will lift up my eyes to the hills -
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to be moved
He who keeps you will not slumber
Behold, he who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep .

The Lord is your keeper
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

The Lord Shall Preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve Your soul
The Lord Shall preserve your going out and coming in
From this time forth and forevermore.

The Song of The Week is God I look to you - Bethel Church.
Hope you love it as much as we do.

God I Look To You Lyrics

God I look To you
I won't be Overwhelmed
give me vision to see things like You do
God I look to you
You're where My helps comes from
Give me wisdom You know just what to do.

And I will Love You lord My strength
And I will Love you lord my Shield
And I will love you Lord my Rock
Forever all my days I will love you God

Hallelujah our God reigns
Hallelujah Our God reigns
Hallelujah Our God reigns
Forever all my days Hallelujah.

Video Credit: You tube

Monday, 7 April 2014

Quotes For The Week ;No To Being A Copy And Yes To Being An Original !!!!!!!

It is really a task trying to be like everyone else.Too much time is spent on it  that we hardly find time for ourselves.We get too consumed with going with the motion that we do not spend time with ourselves or love ourselves the way we ought to. The truth is there is a reason for our differences; we are short,tall, fair ,extroverts,introverts et.c and some become doctors,lawyers,designers, musicians, presenters, professors,caterers,soprano singers, alto singers,pianist,violinist,saxophonist and so on but the comparisons so consume our thoughts that it makes it difficult to see this and embrace our uniqueness. 

For more on this topic , check in on our friday  post  'Quit chasing shadows and embrace you' but for now here are some of our favourite quotes on it. Do Have a Fab week,and remember to embrace you.


 Photo Credit: World Wide Web

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Wednesday Song Day!!!!!!

Happy New Month.This month our  major focus for 'Our Song for the Week' is on easter.The  Songs would mainly draw our attention to the cross and the price Jesus paid.Worthy is the lamb who was slain!!! Worthy is the King who Conquered the grave!

Kicking off the season with This Is Amazing Grace By Phil Wickham.

It is definitely a different version of all the amazing grace renditions known to us .It will get you worshipping , jumping,smiling and praising.You would love it.