The other day, I came across the scripture in Jer29:11 that says 'For I know the plans I have for you, plans of good and not of evil,to bring you to an expected end'.I've read and probably quoted that scripture many times like most of us and for me it is such a great comfort and reassurance that God indeed has my back.On this fateful day however, my mind was opened up to another entirely different concept. It was a light bulb moment I tell you. It occurred to me that when God thinks of me his baby girl, All,I repeat ALL His thoughts concerning me are GOOD.This is a Fact.This is the reality.Now based on logical reasoning, and this is pretty simple,it's only sensible I do the same.I mean why not?
For some reason that was life changing for me.It takes the same amount of energy and the same amount of intellectual ability to form a good or bad thought, so why not form good thoughts.Instead of thinking about the 100's of reasons why your goals won't be accomplished, think about one good reason it will and focus on it.Focus on your strengths and not your flaws.Choose to believe God when he says you are wonderfully and fearfully made, in spite of your weakness.It makes all the difference.
A little self-love never hurt anyone.When you think of you what comes to mind?Can you describe yourself in 3 words?What are your values ?It's important to ask these questions , to see if your thoughts and actions align with what God thinks about you.
A lot of times we ask people what they think about us, and while it is good to get an unbiased opinion about various things that concern us, you cannot rely entirely on another person's opinion of you.
It takes a conscious effort to actually maintain a good attitude when you're on the receiving end of , for lack of a better word 'trash'.This Could mean unfair situations, or unreasonable people, basically anything unpleasant.This post will be pure deception,if I said it was easy,because it's not. What I have found is that it gets easier.The more we practice patience the more patient we will get.The more we switch our aggravated thoughts for peaceful ones in the midst of challenges, the better we get at doing the same in the future.We do all this relying on God's grace.You are a thought away from having a good or bad day.What will it be?
Every day is a lesson;everyday is an opportunity to be a better version of who you were yesterday.I learnt to accept that I don't have all the answers and I don't know everything.Heck I don't even know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow,What I know is God has a good plan for me, I may not have all the details yet, but I'm content to follow Him daily and enjoy the journey.
Ogunidpe Oyinkan for Femme Vertueuse
Photo Credit : World Wide Web
Thanks To Odion for making the Guess in the Previous post.You literally hit the nail on the head but we could not let the cat out of the bag so early lol.