It was a regular Monday Morning . I go through my phone scan through my apps to keep up with everything ,say my prayers ,take a shower, have breakfast then head out to school.However,this particular Monday was quite different . I scanned through my apps and I saw a picture of a familiar face with his wife and a personal message saying " Who Are we to Question God ?He is Sovereign And His ways Are Far Higher Than Ours". I searched Google immediately and then I saw the News Dr Myles Munroe His Wife and others on board a private plane had passed on. I was astounded ,I had no words . I rushed off to school to make my morning classes but the thought occasionally came in as I sat through the lectures. I headed home during my break and as I sat on my bed ,wondering what to make of it. I found Myself focused on the words of Paul.
(Phil 1:21 ,1 Cor 9:22)
In Memory of Dr Myles. I publish some of my favorite quotes and my favorite sermon on "Singleness" by this prolific writer and life coach.
" For Me to live is Christ and to Die is Gain".-This meant either way Paul was heaven conscious " in life" he would be carrying on the great commission doing exactly what Jesus wanted .It will be spreading the word in every way he can " for though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more and to the Jews I became as a Jew , that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law as under the law , that i might win those who are under the law, as under the law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ),that I might win those are without law, to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have Become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel's sake, that I may be partaker of it with you" .
This demonstrates a man committed to the work of God , a man so consumed with his purpose that he could never be at a disadvantage either in life nor in death because he was heaven conscious. The Question I find myself asking today is how conscious Of heaven are we? David recognized in Psalms that our times are in God's hands and he Prayed Father teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom. My Prayer today is that we do not get too carried away with worthless things that we loose our consciousness of heaven and spend our time on time on worthless things. I pray that each day irrespective of how little our sphere of influence might be , Our lights will shine that our father would be glorified in heaven. The truth is what lives on would be the many hearts and lives you touched simply because you availed yourself to be used as God's instrument. What matters would not be the countless degrees and earthly achievements which would be insignificant on that day.
Today I celebrate the life Of God's servant and his lovely wife . I think of a Man consumed with his purpose that he published 69 books for the Kingdom; dedicated his opportunity on earth to the great commission preaching in several nations of the world sharing kingdom truths on finance, purpose , singleness and more. O what an honor it must have been to have lived a life fully dedicated to the kingdom; O what a privilege it was to have sat in the same room with a man of faith who zealously and relentlessly shared the kingdom truth on purpose in Lagos Nigeria as I tried to grasp every anointed word that came out of his mouth.
As I honor you and the other saints that have fallen asleep,I cant help but ask the question which I heard you say at the conference "What Will Be Said Of You"? Rest in the Bosom Of Our Lord Jesus Dr Myles, Ruth Munroe and the saints.
In Memory of Dr Myles. I publish some of my favorite quotes and my favorite sermon on "Singleness" by this prolific writer and life coach.
The wealthiest places in the world are not gold mines, oil fields , diamond mines or banks. The wealthiest place is the cemetery. There is a treasure within you that must come out. Don't go to the grave with your treasure still within you. - Dr Myles Munroe
The bible dies not say that a man's education makes room for him , but that his gift does. Education is not the key to success,it doesn't guarantee anything; it is your gift that is the key to success. - Dr Myles Munroe
God did not create woman from man's head . that he should command her, nor from his feet , that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart -Dr Myles Munroe
The bible dies not say that a man's education makes room for him , but that his gift does. Education is not the key to success,it doesn't guarantee anything; it is your gift that is the key to success. - Dr Myles Munroe
God did not create woman from man's head . that he should command her, nor from his feet , that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart -Dr Myles Munroe
"The Myth of Singleness"