On the 29th of November 2016. I Kikelomo Olajumoke Akinola was called to the Nigerian Bar. The journey was quite thrilling yet long and challenging . Challenging because law generally is another level of studying but because half way through the journey precisely the year before I began pursuing my law degree I was diagnosed with TMJ Syndrome.(I never publicly talked about it but I got the certainty that it was time to) It is a syndrome that affects the jaw and restricts opening of the mouth. In my case yawning, talking ,chewing any solid food(included chips and bread sometimes) and the most painful singing(if you know me you know I sing most of the time) was restricted .I had constant pain and tenderness on the affected area. I only spoke when it was absolutely necessary to due to the pain. I battled with constant headaches when I studied or had to turn in assignments. I could feel depression so close as my mind drifted sometimes to the fact that I was the type to pray over a cold and get instant healing, pray over malaria and be healed yet I had to wait this time which was new to me however my God was my rock throughout .His grace was sufficient for everyday even on the days when it got so cold and the pain got worse .He strengthened me through his word to keep pressing on. He reminded me how he was with me and would never ever leave me nor forsake me. He reminded me that there was no one who ever trusted him and was put to shame. I knew deep down in my spirit that I could not be overcome by it because my King had overcome the world for me. I remember one morning when I got the understanding to trust his word just as much as I trusted those pain killers (prescribed) I had to pop for the pain. I was reminded that his word is medicine and health to my bones so I decided to daily speak his word over my health and over my life and I can't even begin to explain the overwhelming strength and confidence I began to have .I decided to join the band I had always wanted to join. I was certain his word was working in me in spite of the occasional pain. I chose not to get any special treatment for my exams nor let my life be determined by it.
Today I can say with tears in my eyes and a heart full of thanksgiving that my God showed himself strong on my behalf. I Kikelomo Olajumoke Akinola was called to the Nigerian Bar

I am free from constant headaches , I can eat whatever I want (I missed popcorn so much ) ,I can yawn , talk as much as I want and Sing as long and as loud as I can . I just want to encourage someone out there faced with obstacles on the path to attaining your dreams not to give in. Hold on tight to Jesus . He is your cornerstone your wall won't crumble, He is your anchor your dreams will not sink .They can come against you but they will fall for your sake. He who watches over you does not sleep nor slumber, he who watches over you has overcome the world ,has overcome the enemy and all his devices and has lifted you high above it. Keep your head up. Never ever give up.Stay strong .Jehovah will see you through.

With Lots of Love
Kike Akinola
For TheFvFactor