Be Conscious of His Presence with you
He sees you .He is well aware of you and everything going on with you.
'See I have you inscribed in the palms of my hands your walls are continually before me' Isaiah 49:16
The Likelihood for one to feel alone is a reason why fear comes in .It happens when we think its just us in the challenge.This tends to happen a lot when faced with challenges. Fear of lifts,Fear of Planes, Fear of stepping outside your comfort zone, and so forth.
Jesus says in Matt 28:20 "Lo I am with you always even to the end of this age"
You are not alone God is with you.The God that when he speaks his enemies are broken into pieces. The God that his presence alone with the Israelites caused the seas to part *pause for a minute and picture this*.The elders of the Lord were carrying his Ark which signified his presence at the time, and as they moved towards the sea,the sea stepped back.Now we as Christians don't just have his presence dwelling with us but he dwells in us."Greater is He in you than he that is the world". Frankly,it cannot be over as long as He lives, honours his word more than his name and stands by his word "not one word from His mouth will fall to the ground,but it shall accomplish that which he has sent it to do".We are on the winning team.Jesus has made a public spectacle of Satan and his followers for our sake.We have the victory and that Victory is our Faith.
Dwell in the Land and Feed on his Faithfulness. Ps 37:3
One thing I know that has helped me is remembering all the various things God had done for me,how faithful and consistent he has been. I like to share this story it might seem like a little testimony,but i do love to share it .There was a time when as a student , I was low on cash and at the time they were also on the home front. .I had even called a close relative for help and I was told that the person would have to borrow.I could have settled that day but I said no to that person. My God is more than sufficient he will supply all my needs .I frankly did not know where the money was going to come from but i said this heartfelt prayer of Faith " You oh Lord who is able to cause Gold come out of the mouth of a fish promised that they who serve you will not lack of bread .Father my trust is in you 'you who promised to supply "All my needs according to your riches in glory". This came from a place of remembrance of the many times that God had shown up for me regardless of not knowing where it was going to come from.Then I went to church later on that week on a Sunday morning and a friend gave me about twenty thousand naira. About two days after, as I was unpacking my stuff , another ten thousand naira I had hidden in my closet earlier in the semester and had totally forgotten about fell out.I cried to God with thanks.Sometimes it might not be all that sudden but it does always help to remember the many times and the many ways God made a way for you before and if he could then , he would now because he is the same yesterday today and forever.
Trust God's Promises
You know how someone like Mark Zuckerberg or Donald Trump tells you, you are in the right direction and you totally trust them regardless then how much more the one with an unbeatable track record who created all things including them.David said because I had believed in God therefore I cannot be moved.
You must first understand that you serve a God with an impeccable track record.There is no single person that trusted in him or took a step of Faith with him that was ever put to shame. Rom 10 ;11 " whoever believes on him shall never be put to shame. Surely adversaries will come when you choose to trust and believe God but he gives us the assurance that ''many are the afflictions of the righteous and the lord delivers them from them all". So even when you choose to venture out into something and the thought of failure comes or you might have had a couple of challenges remember this and also remember that not one jot of his word will fall to the ground.
Hold Fast to The Profession of Your Faith Heb 10:23
It involves choosing to look to God and to continue to stand on his word even when you have put your trust in him and it has not physically occurred yet because he is God and he is faithful.Therefore in situations when things are not happening as fast as you want it to or it seems like your friends life is taking a whole faster shape than yours,you stand on his word because he is a Faithful God. Your life is in his hands and if you have given him total control over it,his plans for you are of Good and not of evil to give you a future and a hope.However, sometimes the thought that God does not love you enough may arise because of the lack of knowledge that He does love you.The bible does say we should "hold on to the profession of our faith because he who has promised is faithful" but how do you hold on when such thoughts come.
Awareness of God’s Love And Filling Ourselves with Faith.
everything else ,this is the most powerful tool against fear.I have
found that the greatest way to hold on to your faith,to trust God and
believe him, comes from an awareness or knowledge of God's love
for us.You know how easy it is for someone that you
have a serious relationship with to tell you to jump I'll catch you
and you do. Contrast this with a total stranger who says jump I will
catch you.You will probably consider all your options first.The
reason why you jump in the former is because you are aware of the
love the person has for you and you know the person would try
to avoid letting anything bad happen to you. How much more God who
sent his only begotten and beloved son to die for us on the
cross.Jesus said in John 17:3 'And this is eternal life that they may
know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent' . It
is so important for us to know God for ourselves because it is
through this that we develop faith and become aware of his love for
us. God is love, and the more we get to know him through his word,
the more we become aware of that love for us and the more we are able
to develop trust and faith in his word . I am now well aware of how
busy the world could be,seeing that I worked in Lagos for a couple of
months and had to drive myself back from the Island to the mainland
in traffic jam and then you get home totally tired and the cycle
continues.I know some people are busy on weekends too. However, I
found that we must do everything we can to make sure we are
constantly fed. It is so vital especially if there is a particular
matter (health,future, finance) trying to fuel your mind with other
We need God's perspective on the issue and that can only come through filling our mind with his word and letting our minds become renewed that there is literally no room for anything that contradicts God's word.We need to continuously fuel up our engines with faith. We can never be too full.The bible says the devils roams the earth seeking for whom to devour.It also says do not give place to the devil .Therefore,while driving in the car listen to faith messages ,on the train, on the bus,listen to uplifting music,find time to study God's word ,play your audio bible and pay attention while its playing.The more we fill ourselves with The Word, our thought life changes,our response to fear changes and fear has no room in our lives concerning that issue.It is then that in spite of the things that come our way we can boldly declare like David that even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because thou art with me. It becomes easier to hold on to our faith because we know whom we believe in.We understand that we most likely do not measure up to his love but he loves us the same and we can have that confidence that because he loves us ,we have the victory. Jesus won the battle for us ,he is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us, so dare to dream and dare to demand the best from life.We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
We need God's perspective on the issue and that can only come through filling our mind with his word and letting our minds become renewed that there is literally no room for anything that contradicts God's word.We need to continuously fuel up our engines with faith. We can never be too full.The bible says the devils roams the earth seeking for whom to devour.It also says do not give place to the devil .Therefore,while driving in the car listen to faith messages ,on the train, on the bus,listen to uplifting music,find time to study God's word ,play your audio bible and pay attention while its playing.The more we fill ourselves with The Word, our thought life changes,our response to fear changes and fear has no room in our lives concerning that issue.It is then that in spite of the things that come our way we can boldly declare like David that even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because thou art with me. It becomes easier to hold on to our faith because we know whom we believe in.We understand that we most likely do not measure up to his love but he loves us the same and we can have that confidence that because he loves us ,we have the victory. Jesus won the battle for us ,he is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us, so dare to dream and dare to demand the best from life.We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Picture Credit : Creflo Dollar Ministries and the World Wide Web.
None Of these Pictures are the property Of Femme Vertueuse.
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