Hey readers , I sincerely apologize for the long break. I just couldn't find time in the past few weeks to center in on my taught's but thank God that's over now . This time last month was the day after my birthday. I turned 2* (lol) .In light of that I came up with a compilation of certain truths which I truly embraced this past year..I missed blogging and missed you all too. Hope you enjoy it
P.S Do check out the previous post for the song of the week and check for a new segment on the blog ' Hot topics'.
1. The people you surround yourself with could either make you or break you .
2.There is a time to plant and a time to reap.Patience is not as bad as you think.
3. It is paramount to to create time for yourself.be still for a moment, worship for a moment , take a walk, breathe, shut the noise out and be still.
4. It is still true that you that you cannot please everyone in life.As much as lies is in you be at peace with all men.What is important is you give it your best.
5. The little things that may seem insignificant do make a difference when it meets up with the right person.Keep the little things.They do count.
6. If it is worth doing, do it well.Your work or anything that you do is a reflection of you so give it your best.
7. Time goes by really fast,try to make the most of the moments and never forget your camera phone or camera so you can relieve them over and over.
8. You can never know beyond what you are exposed to. Seek More,Get Understanding.
9.Great things don't come to those who sit in front of TV all day.
10.Success is not cheap. Wishing does not get you your dreams, hard work , perseverance and God's grace does.
11.Embrace new challenges that take you out of your Comfort zone.
12. Without a challenge, you will never be able to harness or unveil the potential within you.
13. The richest place in the world is the graveyard .Why? because a lot of people die with their potentials and ideas.
14. When God says Commit "All" your ways to him, he literally means "All". " In All your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path".
15. It could be a busy world and making a living is important but don't forget to make time for others most especially the ones you say you love because when its all said and done, what speaks would not be how much you made but who you were.
Character is not formed in one day.
17. Your words should be backed up with actions because your actions over time determines integrity and integrity in turn determines
what we know as character .
18. You are indecisive
because you are too afraid to trust your Gut. Man UP!! (It's a daily process)
19. Plan,Plan, Plan. A little organisation could save you a lot of stress and missed opportunities. Let the last minute spirit go. You can actually do things without being stressed out
20. A bad attitude is like a Flat tire you cannot go anywhere unless you change it.
Photo Credit ; Jiang Shen