Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Song Of The Week

This weeks song of  the week is
Hosanna by Paul Baloche .Hope you love it too.
Have A Fab Week!!

Further Information
The Song is from the Album " A Greater Song "
Paul Baloche is a singer ,song writer ,worship leader and Pastor at the Community Christian Center.
His songs have been recorded by casting crowns , Anthony Evans and so on. It's a pretty amazing song . Hope you love it . Have a Blessed week people.

Video Credit; You Tube

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Inspiration Tuesday; You Have The Authority

"He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons ; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover" . Mark 16 :16-18

Often when this scripture is read , it is easy to dissociate ourselves from it . I mean do you read what the bottom part is saying cast out demons,drink up deadly things and it will by no means hurts us. It is easier to believe it is associated with a pastor and not regular you . I mean who are you really to exercise such authority but the truth is , first of all that's why it  is called authority .
Authority is ; A power  or right delegated or given ( .
Take for instance the traffic road instructor who stretches forth his hands to halt cars coming in various directions. The Traffic instructor definitely lacks the physical  strength to stop this cars yet once he stretches forth his hands the cars come to a complete stop.They do this not because he has the strength but because they are obligated to respect the authority that has granted this power.
In the case of a christian, the bible says in the book "Therefore God has highly exalted him and given him the name above all names , that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord,to the glory of the father". Phil 2: 9-11
Principalities, powers and everything that has a name is obligated to bow at the mention of the name Of "Jesus". They have no alternative but to bow at the name of Jesus.

Today's scripture is a reminder not to focus on ourselves but to focus on the one who has granted us the authority and exercise that authority given to us. He has been given the name above all names in this earth and the one to come and at the mention of his name every knee must bow and every tongue will confess he is lord.
The questions then is ;

  • Can We exercise this power  ?

Yes we can.The bible says " He who believes.... in my name ................"  Therefore everyone who believes in the name of Jesus has the authority to exercise this power.
We need to understand that , we do not exercise power because we  necessarily have the physical strength to do so, we exercise power because the spirit of God reigns in us and empowers us to do so in his name.
Acts 3:6 Tells of Peter  who recognized and chose to exercise the power in the name of Jesus when he came in contact with a lame man
 " Silver and Gold  I  do not have, but what I do have  give to you: In the name Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth , Rise Up And Walk" When You call upon the name of Jesus, the name above all names everything will bow and every tongue confesses that he is lord.

This Week be reminded that
There is Power in the name of Jesus to conquer every other name.
You as a believer have the authority to call upon the name of Jesus and exercise authority in his name because he has delegated you to do so.

Enough of staying silent . You are God's own empowered by him Speak Up!!!
Have A Blessed Week People

Photo Credit: World Wide Web

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Inspiration Tuesday; Say A Prayer For Nigeria !!!

Jeremiah 32:17
"Ah Lord God! Behold  You Have Made the heavens and The Earth By Your Great Power and Outstretched Arm .There Is Nothing to Hard For You .I am The Lord.

With the increase in death tolls and explosions in the country , there is literally not a day when you don't hear a  person letting out a sigh or  you don't  cringe when you read the headlines or help but wonder what may be .Today be encouraged  by these two separate scenarios in the bible when people were overwhelmed and terrified by their circumstances .

2 chronicles
The chapter tells of the story of a king Jehoshaphat  who had been informed by his troops that there was an army coming against them. The  interesting thing is that the people were terrified at first because they were afraid and they frankly did not know what to do.

"Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us . We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you."

They were not equipped to fight this army but rather than accept defeat ,  the king and the people sought God on the issue.They sang praises to him  and he delivered them and caused confusion in the camp of the enemy.

Exodus 14

It was the same for the Israelites. Who had become so terrified when they discovered the very Egyptians who had let them go were coming against them .

" As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord". Exodus 14:10

 There was a great sea before them and the Egyptian army was behind them. They had no weapons to attack them with. In spite of the Egyptians being so close, Moses the leader of Israelites, had hope in God and declared

" the Egyptians you see today , you will see no more. The lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Exodus 14: 13 ,14

That day the sea was split in two such that the waters became walls for the Israelites on the left and the right and a path was created in between the waters and they walked on dry land such that none of their foots were wet. He was able to  bring them out completely and their enemies were destroyed in one day .

We may not know how but he can make a way "Nothing is too hard for him".He who saved the Israelites , caused confusion in the enemies camp and brought that strong wind  that swallowed up the enemy ,is still God.

Today, remember the same deliverer then is the same deliverer now.It may seem hopeless, we frankly may not know how but as long as he lives, there is hope for Nigeria . We may not know how the help may come, we may be limited in what we can physically do but   we can choose not to fold your arms today or let out a sigh or give into fear and discouragement . Choose to look to God who is able to Make a way .
Say A prayer for Nigeria  with me today.

Don't Give Up Hope . God lives!!

Have A Fab Week!!!!!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Song Of The Week!!!!

And you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with your whole heart.
Jer 29 :13

This weeks song of the week makes you fall more and more in love with Jesus. It is a reminder that nothing ,no one can satisfy or love the way he does .The  truth is you can move beyond basing your Christianity on what  people say about him, to what you know for yourself and by yourself.It can go deeper you can experience him, come to know him and grow in that knowledge of him  if  you seek him with your whole heart.Some of us are in between you are neither here nor there rather than being on the borderline why not jump in. You have everything to gain .All you need is call upon him .

If you haven't received him as your Lord and savior , come in today into his love that forgives our sins and gives us a new identity in him.For as he died so were all our sins buried with him and as he is risen all those who believe in him, are alive in him.

Old things have passed away  behold all things  has become new.You are a new creature in Christ. IN psychology it s called" tabulara rasa "meaning a blank slate. As a new born baby is without a past so are you. Your sins are far gone and no longer define who you are.You have a new identity and its in Christ Jesus

Song of the week - Holy Spirit by Jesus culture

Video Credit; You Tube.
Further Information
Holy Spirit  is Track 5 on the album "Live From New York"

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Inspiration Tuesday ;Seek The Lord

Seek the Lord while he  may be found,
Call Upon him while he is near.
Isiah 55:6

It is quite easy to get carried away with striving to make it to work, striving to meet deadlines or just striving to make it in general.In as much as these are important don't  prioritize it to the point that you keep God at arm's length.

Today's Scripture reminds us to make out time for God  while we can  for a time will come when this will not be the case.To seek is  to make a search or to make an investigation.It is only those who seek that find.
Make getting to know your maker a priority even as meeting deadlines , getting a career , getting hitched are important ; they should not take preeminence over getting to Know God. You Can be as close to God as you want. The Question is how much time are you willing to put in.
Listen to that CD , tape , involve him in your day, sing to him, pray or spend time with the word .
Have a Blessed Week people.

Photo Credit; World Wide Web

Friday, 11 July 2014

Hot Topic; Can There Be A Marriage Or Relationship without The Spouse Cheating?

I find that a lot of people especially women have accepted it as their lot in life, some even say well it is second nature and nothing can be done about it .However, I disagree with this perspective .
If you focus all your attention on making your marriage work, it will work.Starve your eyes, ears and mind from anything but your wife or husband. The truth is the grass is not always greener on the other side. When you cut corners, You cannot have it whole. Imagine a square that the corners are cut off, it automatically ceases to be a square, and it becomes a shape nobody knows or cares for. It becomes worthless.
When you cheat on your spouse, for whatever reason and in whatever form, you are robbing not only him or her but also yourself of what could  potentially be a wholesome and healthy relationship.
You are not only disrespectful to him or her but to yourself.If you cannot honor a commitment you made on your wedding day, one man one wife , to have and to hold etc

I find that people don't understand the agreement or contract that is marriage. It is more serious than any business agreement or any sort of contract you can think of.Recently Apple purchased beats beats by Dre for billions of dollars . A contract was put in place and there were terms set ,agreed upon and sealed by the appending of signatures by both parties. Under  no circumstance can that deal be broken because there would be serious legal implications.

Marriage is more binding than that. You essentially take an oath before God.;To honor , care and cherish that individual , no gimmicks.The truth is that there should be an understanding that there are no longer any options anymore. A lot of people say "Men cheat, it's second nature". "It is impossible for them not to" but then what happens to the scripture that says I  can do all things through Christ who strengthens me or With God all things are possible . It doesn't just apply to specific things .God's grace abounds and is limitless.

The same way we trust the word to apply to other situations we have to trust it applies here too.You might still argue it is different but the bible says "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" so i believe and know it is possible. Trust God for the grace to stay faithful  to your spouse, and love only him or her.All of God's Grace to a man or woman that doesn't receive it or choose to function in it is like a gift underutilized and neglected. I think we should take advantage of God's grace to do things that ordinarily we might not be able to do on our own .There may be a lot of temptations, sure the flesh and spirit tug at each other  but you can overcome the spirit can prevail . Don't get into it if you want to be married yet act single, It is a commitment to love, cherish, stay faithful and honor those vows .It would take grace and more grace but the good thing about it, is that the grace doesn't run out so it can be done.


Photo Credit: World Wide Web.
Written by Oyinkansola Ogundipe & Akinola Kikelomo for TheFvfactor

Song Of The Week !!!!

This weeks song of the week is simply amazing. As I listened to this song, these scriptures flooded my mind and it brought a smile on my face and literally kept me smiling every time I played it.

"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him,because he always lives to intercede for us".Hebrews 7:25

"I  will not leave you as orphans ; I will come to you.A little while longer and the world will see me no more , but you will see me" . Because I live you will live also. John 14:18,19

As the week gradually comes to an end, remember You are not orphan. You are never alone through the good times and the challenges , Jesus has got you. If there is anybody that knows the depth of your heart , If there is anyone who deserves your praise , it is him. Yes, you do  have a friend, father,companion,counselor , healer ,helper who saves completely,who is not far off and lives to pray on your behalf. Hope you love it

Song Of The Week -Come to Jesus Chris Rice

Further  Information
Come To Jesus is on the "Run The Earth , Watch the Sky Album
Video Credit; You Tube

Truths From Twelve Months Past !!!!

Hey  readers , I sincerely apologize for the long break. I just couldn't find time in the past few weeks to center in on my taught's but thank God that's over now . This time last month was the day after my birthday. I turned 2* (lol) .In light of that I came up with a compilation of  certain truths which I truly embraced this past year..I missed blogging and missed you all too.  Hope you enjoy it

P.S Do check out the previous post for the song of the week  and check  for a new segment on the blog ' Hot topics'.

1. The people you surround yourself with could either make you or break you .

2.There is a time to plant and a time to reap.Patience is not as bad as you think.

3. It is paramount to  to create time for still for a moment, worship for a moment , take a walk, breathe, shut the noise out and be still.

4. It is still true that you that you cannot please everyone in life.As much as lies is in you be at peace with all men.What is important is you give it your best.

5. The little things that may seem insignificant do make a difference when it meets up with the right person.Keep the little things.They do count.

6. If it is worth doing, do it well.Your work or anything that you do is a reflection of you so give it your best.

7. Time goes by really fast,try to make the most of the moments and never forget your camera phone or camera so you can relieve them over and over.

8. You can never know beyond what you are exposed to. Seek More,Get Understanding.

9.Great things don't come to those who sit in front of TV all day.

10.Success is not cheap. Wishing does not get you your dreams, hard work , perseverance and God's grace does.

11.Embrace new challenges that take you out of your Comfort zone.

12. Without a challenge, you will never be able to harness or unveil the potential within you.

13. The richest place in the world is the graveyard .Why? because a lot of people die with their potentials and ideas.

14. When God says Commit "All" your ways to him, he literally means "All". " In All your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path".

15. It could be a busy world and making a living is important  but don't forget to make time for others most especially the ones you say you love because when its all said and done, what speaks would not be how much you made  but who you were.

16. Character is not formed in one day.

17. Your words should be backed up with actions because your actions over time determines integrity and integrity in turn determines what we know as character .

18. You are indecisive because you are too afraid to trust your Gut. Man UP!! (It's a daily process)

19. Plan,Plan, Plan. A little organisation could save you a lot of stress and missed opportunities. Let the last minute spirit go. You can actually do things without being stressed out

20. A bad attitude is like a Flat tire you cannot go anywhere unless you change it.

Photo  Credit ; Jiang Shen