I find that a lot of people especially women have accepted it as their lot in life, some even say well it is second nature and nothing can be done about it .However, I disagree with this perspective .
If you focus all your attention on making your marriage work, it will work.Starve your eyes, ears and mind from anything but your wife or husband. The truth is the grass is not always greener on the other side. When you cut corners, You cannot have it whole. Imagine a square that the corners are cut off, it automatically ceases to be a square, and it becomes a shape nobody knows or cares for. It becomes worthless.
When you cheat on your spouse, for whatever reason and in whatever form, you are robbing not only him or her but also yourself of what could potentially be a wholesome and healthy relationship.
You are not only disrespectful to him or her but to yourself.If you cannot honor a commitment you made on your wedding day, one man one wife , to have and to hold etc
I find that people don't understand the agreement or contract that is marriage. It is more serious than any business agreement or any sort of contract you can think of.Recently Apple purchased beats beats by Dre for billions of dollars . A contract was put in place and there were terms set ,agreed upon and sealed by the appending of signatures by both parties. Under no circumstance can that deal be broken because there would be serious legal implications.

Marriage is more binding than that. You essentially take an oath before God.;To honor , care and cherish that individual , no gimmicks.The truth is that there should be an understanding that there are no longer any options anymore. A lot of people say "Men cheat, it's second nature". "It is impossible for them not to" but then what happens to the scripture that says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me or With God all things are possible . It doesn't just apply to specific things .God's grace abounds and is limitless.
The same way we trust the word to apply to other situations we have to trust it applies here too.You might still argue it is different but the bible says "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" so i believe and know it is possible. Trust God for the grace to stay faithful to your spouse, and love only him or her.All of God's Grace to a man or woman that doesn't receive it or choose to function in it is like a gift underutilized and neglected. I think we should take advantage of God's grace to do things that ordinarily we might not be able to do on our own .There may be a lot of temptations, sure the flesh and spirit tug at each other but you can overcome the spirit can prevail . Don't get into it if you want to be married yet act single, It is a commitment to love, cherish, stay faithful and honor those vows .It would take grace and more grace but the good thing about it, is that the grace doesn't run out so it can be done.
Photo Credit: World Wide Web.
Written by Oyinkansola Ogundipe & Akinola Kikelomo for TheFvfactor
I Agree that with the help of God you can receive Grace to stay faithful.....
ReplyDeleteIts important tho that we all knw ourselves and our sexual appetites and tame them well before we get married.Deal with your issues with the grace available and if your not perfect let your spouse know so they can help...
And when your in tight situations in which cheating seems like the best option tslk to some one there is always a way out....
And also remember at some point in your married life things will get boring and monotonous and other people will look more exciting. You have to make extra effort to put some spark in ask those who have made it thru.....
All the best guys!!!
So on Point. Thank You for Your Comment.