I was in between applications when I clearly heard these words take the limits off God. Suddenly I was reminded about the lyrics to a song my brother and I sang as little kids "God said it, I believe it, that settles it. He says I am free , I am free , He says I am healed, I am healed that settles it."
I remember singing that song wholeheartedly most likely because my brother had taught me and I thoroughly enjoyed bonding with him over the song. I do not remember fully grasping the meaning of what we sang but what I do remember was how much trust I had in the promises of my loved ones. I never for once wondered how they will fulfill those promises, all I needed was their word. I remember vividly after a tooth extraction, my grandma promised to handle it. I remember the peace that flooded my heart after I heard those words; I never doubted for once that she could not handle it.
What has changed? Why do we struggle sometimes to accept God's word? The most obvious reason is the fact that we grew up. It just so happens that we start to think logically and analyse everything. This can be useful when it comes to certain situations but I have found that trying to process how God will do things when it comes to faith is the biggest impediment to believing . The bible says His ways and thoughts are higher than ours - Isaiah 55:8-9. It also says in Ecclesiastes 11:5 that as you do not know what is the way of the wind ,or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child , so you do not know the works of God who makes everything" Therefore spending our time trying to figure it all out is not worth it.The question then is what can I do to believe God above everything else?
Focus on God Not You Not The Circumstance
The answer I found is simply to take his word as it is . The lyrics of the song says "God said it I believe it and that settles it. The bible says He honors His word more than His name. In Romans 4:18-20 Abraham chose not to consider the circumstances around him after God promised to give him a son in his old age. He judged God faithful and chose to believe Him above all else .
" and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform "
"not being weak in faith, he did not consider his body already dead (since he was about a hundred years old ), and the deadness of sarah's womb.He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief , but was strengthened in faith giving, glory to God, and being fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to perform ".
Thus, It is not about our background or history, not about what he says or she says or they say. It is about What God says .
Have Childlike Faith.
Jesus said we should receive the kingdom of God as little children. Children are open minded as I described earlier ,children take your word as it is . You might say but I cannot help but question how sometimes the reason is because you are still looking at it from your point of view. Choose to focus on God and His word. Two scenarios came to mind as I wrote this .
The story of the fig tree in Mark 11:14; 20-21
Jesus said to the tree"let no one eat fruit from you ever again " and his disciples heard it . However the next morning when they passed by the tree Peter seeing it said " Rabbi , Look! The Fig tree which you cursed has withered away ." and Jesus answered and said to them " Have Faith in God". We can conclude from his reaction that he was surprised because he did not necessarily believe anything would happen to the tree when Jesus spoke the word. Jesus admonished him to have faith in God, believe God above everything and everyone else.
I consider how when we receive Jesus as our Lord and savior there are no angels washing our sin away physically but we say the prayer because we believe His word and He comes into our hearts and floods us with His love , His grace and His righteousness . It is so beautiful, that it cannot be analysed logically, but if I am asked by someone how I know my sins are washed away I can strongly say I know because I have encountered Jesus (Rom 10:10) . I may not have seen Him physically but He lives in me, I know it because I believe.To someone who has not received Jesus it may not make sense but we just know. We have this hope and unquenchable fire in our hearts we just know how real He is .
The truth is as real as He is in our hearts so also are His words and promises; every single one of them. When He says He will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. When he says kings and queens will come to your rising when he says nothing is too hard for Him. He means it .It may not make sense looking at the circumstance or yourself but if we choose to focus on the word and the one who said them there is no telling the heights He can take us.
The bible in Luke 5 :1 tells of how Simon Peter and some other fishermen had tried fishing all night yet Jesus said to peter cast your net in the water and peter responded we have "toiled all night but at thy word we will cast our nets". It was not the logical thing to do since they had toiled all night and caught no fish but because they chose to focus on His word and not limit God ,by considering how he could do it. There was faith in his heart, he believed in His word and the bible says he received so much his net began to break that he had to signal his partners for help and their boats were so full they began to sink.
Our God is so so able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever ask or think.Glory Glory to God . We serve a Big God. We serve an amazing God . No one , nothing is greater than him if he says it He can and will do it . I choose to accept His word like a little child and sing that beautiful song with so much understanding because " IF God says It , I believe it and that settles it"
Father forgive me for belittling you in anyway. Be magnified in my heart , you have the final say, you are bigger than my mind could ever fathom and I trust you.
Have an amazing week people
Don't Forget If God says it,we just need to believe it and that settles it.
Lots of love
Kike Akinola for TeamFV
#focusonGodnotyou #TeamFv
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