Monday, 17 November 2014

Tribute To Dr Myles Munroe !!!

It was a regular Monday Morning . I go through my phone scan through my apps to keep up with everything ,say my prayers ,take a shower, have breakfast then head out to school.However,this particular Monday was quite different . I scanned through my apps and I saw a picture of a familiar face with his wife and a  personal message saying " Who Are we to Question God ?He is Sovereign And His ways Are Far Higher Than Ours".  I searched Google immediately and then I saw the News Dr Myles Munroe His Wife and  others on board a private plane had passed on. I was astounded ,I had no words . I rushed off to school to make my morning classes but the thought occasionally came in as I sat through the lectures. I headed  home during my break and as I sat on my bed ,wondering what to make of it. I found Myself  focused on the words of Paul.
 (Phil 1:21 ,1 Cor 9:22)

" For Me to live is Christ and to Die is Gain".-This meant either way Paul was heaven conscious " in life" he would be carrying on the great commission doing exactly what Jesus wanted .It will be spreading the word in every way he can " for though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more and to the Jews I became as a Jew , that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law as under the law , that i might win those who are under the law, as under the law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ),that I might win those are without law, to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have Become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel's sake, that I may be partaker of it with you" . 
   This demonstrates a man committed to the work of God  , a man so consumed with his purpose  that he could never be at a disadvantage either in life nor in death because he was heaven conscious. The Question I find  myself asking today is how conscious Of heaven are we?  David  recognized in Psalms that our times are in God's hands and he Prayed Father teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom. My Prayer today is that we do not get too carried away with worthless things that we loose our consciousness of heaven and spend our time on time on worthless things. I pray that each day irrespective of how little our sphere of influence might be , Our lights will shine that our father would be glorified in heaven. The truth is what lives on would be the many hearts and lives you touched simply because you availed yourself to be used as God's instrument. What matters would not be the countless degrees and earthly achievements which would be insignificant on that day.

Today  I celebrate the life Of God's servant and his lovely wife . I think of a Man consumed with his  purpose that he  published 69 books for the Kingdom; dedicated his opportunity on earth to the great commission preaching in several nations of the world sharing kingdom truths on finance, purpose , singleness and more. O what an honor it must have been to have lived a life fully dedicated to the kingdom; O what a privilege it was to have sat in the same room with a man of faith who zealously and relentlessly shared the kingdom truth on purpose in Lagos Nigeria as I  tried to grasp every anointed word that came out of his mouth.

 As  I honor you and the other saints that have fallen asleep,I cant help but ask the question which I heard you say at the conference "What Will Be Said Of You"? Rest in the Bosom Of Our Lord Jesus Dr Myles, Ruth Munroe and the saints. 

In Memory of Dr Myles. I publish some of my favorite quotes and my favorite sermon on "Singleness" by this prolific writer and life coach.

The wealthiest places in the world are not gold mines, oil fields , diamond mines or banks. The wealthiest place is the cemetery. There is a treasure within you that must come out. Don't go to the grave with your treasure still within you. - Dr Myles Munroe

The bible dies not say that a man's education makes room for him , but that his gift does. Education is not the key to success,it doesn't guarantee anything; it is your gift that is the key to success. - Dr Myles Munroe

God did not create woman from man's head . that he should command her, nor from his feet , that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart -Dr Myles Munroe

"The Myth of Singleness"

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Must See Clip ;Kirk Franklin and Steve Harvey on TBN Apr 04, 2011 Testimony

Where Would We Be If Not For The Grace Of God !!
We are what we are, we have what we have , we are where we are because of the grace of God.
Every saint has a past or a story and every sinner has a future .Don't be quick to judge when you do not know a persons story for our God did not send his son to condemn the world but he sent his son that" the world through him might be saved" john 3:17.

My Prayer is that we turn our eyes from trying so much to remove the speck in other peoples eyes and our focus is more on showing , giving and being that love that was freely given to us.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Being A Christian Is Way Rewarding Than Acting The Part !!

Bishop TD Jakes and Donnie McClurkin on TBN
Hey people,hope your week is  going great. I got to hear this interview and it inspired this write up.There were  certain things which stood out to me which my heart couldn't help but share and I think it's simply amazing how we could all watch the same video  and have different things which really stand out  to us.We would like to hear from you about it too so please feel free to share .
On that note,I'm going to share what I loved about it. The major things were ;Nobody is perfect,holiness is a lifelong process everybody has issues, and  the bishops honesty about his life and family.
Above all of them ,' Holiness is a lifelong Process' really stood out the most to me. The bible says in Rom 12:2 " Be ye not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ".
Sometimes we forget that its not an instant change. Yes,it is very important that we stay in tune with God ;hearing his word,praying,worshiping,listening to tapes like this e.t.c but also remember that transformation takes time.I love when it makes reference  to  the fact that  people should be allowed to feel how they feel.They should not  be forced by somebody to act a certain way because you are a christian now or talk a certain way ' because somebody thinks you should.It tends to put an immense pressure on people to be perfect .That  Pressure that makes one constantly  aware of how your reactions should be,tends to  push people away.The intention  is usually good, most times,when this is done.However,it would only result in acting a certain way and living a life of hypocrisy without fulling understanding why we should act in a certain way.It should rather be yes you feel a certain way now and your reaction may be different but people should be allowed to go through the process of transformation and grow into what they believe. 'Faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of God 'We should be allowed to let God himself transform our hearts and minds daily .That soon enough,we begin to see by ourselves and we begin to understand by ourselves the love he has for us and because we daily come to a deeper revelation and realization of that love,our hearts can't help but respond to that love based on the understanding we do have.Which is demonstrated in our reactions to certain things and certain situations which ordinarily we would have done ,because we felt like,but because his love now compels us we choose not to. It's truly way fulfilling to really' be Christians' than just 'acting the part'.

Have a Fun Weekend

With Lots Of Love FV

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Wednesday Song Day!!

 This weeks Song of the week is By Natalie Grant- Your Great Name.

 Its an amazing song that reminds us of who Jesus is . The name of our Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are saved. I hope it encourages us and reassures us of Jesus love for us. I love it and I hope you love it too.Have a Blessed week people.

With lots of love FV

Your Great Name is from the Love Revolution Album .

Video Credit; You Tube

This song is from The album " Love Revolution"

Video Credit : You Tube

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

How About A Smile!!

Happiness is a choice.We are not happy because everything around us is going according to plan all the time. We are happy because we choose to be. We make the choice each day not to be victims of our circumstances nor define our joy or happiness based on our circumstance but based on what we know.
Rom8:28"All things work together for Good to those that love God and are called according to his purpose".

Go Ahead and Smile God has Got You .

With Lots Of love FV

Picture Credit : Joyce Meyer Ministries

Friday, 19 September 2014

Must See Clip;Fred and Donnie at The Potter's House (Stand)

After you have done all to stand, still stand for he who has promised is Faithful.

Wow! May God uphold them with his righteous hand strengthen them such that they would remain strong and immovable. I hope this inspires and encourages you to stand.

Enjoy Your Weekend.

With lots of Love Fv.

Food For Thought ;Wishing Among The Stars!!!!!!

This past week, I had what many refer to as an epiphany or as some fondly call it,
 an" Aha Moment". I know it may seem pretty obvious and glaring but have you really considered it.

You know how Growing up , many of us had dreams , even now, some of us have new dreams and we picture it so much that its basically all we see. We have aspirations, we picture ourselves doing certain things but  that's where it stops.The truth is if we sit back and wish all we want , it will not happen.  It is like believing that God will make your dream come to pass he will make you great but yet you sit at home all day and do nothing about it. Some of us are physically moving but are sitting on the inside. " Show me your faith  apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works" james 2:18.Basically what are we doing that shows we believe that dream will come to pass ;What Plans and Preparations are we making ? What steps Are we taking ?

A man could wish  to be a pilot all he wants but if he doesn't take the necessary steps that need to be taken to achieve it, it will only be a dream.
I saw an illustration on television about this which stuck forever. A preacher had a jacket in his hands, holding the jacket in the air,  he said imagine the suit is faith however without works "the suit dropping to the floor"  is dead.It is not enough to just believe that I will change the world yet you sit all day on the couch or you are not doing anything in regards to it.

The Bible says in the book of Ecclesiastes that " A dream comes around through much activity" .Ecc5 :13 We  need to take steps or work towards actualizing that dream. Take for instance a little kid who dreams about being a Neuro surgeon someday. No matter how fantastic the dream is , if he does not go to medical school and take the necessary professional exams. It will remain a dream. Things don't just happen . Where do you see yourself? what goals are being set towards achieving it? The Output we will get is as a result of the input we put in and God's Grace. Which is able to take us beyond what we could ever imagine or think of.

I love the story of The spider man lead actress Emma Stone. She had a dream to be an actress as a child but her parents lived outside L A .Rather than ponder  and wish all day about it, she made a power point presentation for her parents convincing them to make the move to L A  in order to pursue her dream and  the rest is history.

The message here is ,nothing happens unless we move,. Our dream may not be as far off as we think. The Question is what are we doing about that dream?

Photo Credit ; Media.licdn

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Wednesday Song Day!!

This weeks song of the week is" Our God" by Chris Tomlin.
The lyrics are so Uplifting.

"And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us and if he is with us, what can stand against"

 I just want to encourage you that no matter the size of the adversity , no matter the size of the challenge ,no matter how it may seem or look , If God is for us nothing can stand against us. I heard it for the first time on radio and I Frankly can't get it out of my mouth. It's such an amazing song.  I sincerely apologize to my flatmates who  had to bear me singing at the top of my lungs. I hope you guys love it too.

With lots of love Fv
Our God Is From The Album - Arriving


Water you turned into wine, opened the eyes of the blind there's no one like you, none like You!
Into the darkness you shine out of the ashes we rise there's no one like you none like You!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!

Into the darkness you shine out of the ashes we rise there's no one like you, none like You!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!

And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
What could stand against.

Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
Then what could stand against.

Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!

Video Credit; You tube

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Inspiration Tuesday ; IT IS ONLY OVER WHEN GOD SAYS IT IS!!!!!!!

Gen 50:20 " But as for you, you meant  evil against me: but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it it is this day to save many people alive.

The scripture tells of Joseph a young seventeen year old boy who had a dream that his brothers and entire family will bow down to him. His brothers hated him because he was loved dearly by his father and by virtue of the dream ,they  got so jealous and upset that they sold their youngest sibling into slavery.
It must have been hard for Joseph ,how do you start to comprehend why your loved ones would do such , how do you deal with such a a betrayal and pain ?the words may not even be able to come out of your mouth to explain it. His own brothers , his blood, the people that he should know he can always rely on, forsook him and sold him but Joseph chose not to dwell on that hurt and pain even after being thrown in prison for an act he did not commit, he remained humble and honored God .

Due to the fact that he did so, God lifted him up and that dream came to pass. Yes! there was a messy chapter in his life. Yes it was a horrible story but if his brothers never sold him into slavery he most likely wouldn't have ended up in Egypt and he being a citizen of another country other than Egypt  would not have been given the position he held(Governor Of Egypt).It must have been difficult for him but  there is always a way through every trial and temptation "for God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what  we can handle" .I know sometimes its difficult after a betrayal or anything that must have caused so much pain but If there's anyone that knows what you have been through, If there is anyone that understands how your heart aches ,If there is anyone that can see you through and bring you out ,It is God. The Why me Questions, how could that have happened to me questions may arise,but they wouldn't solve anything.It only keeps you in the same place .Some of us have dwelt too long in that place of  hurt  and frankly think that's how it's going to be but I tell you today that it is not over until God says it.God is calling us out. His plans for us are good and not of evil.The enemy may try but God can turn things around for our good If we let him. "  Many Are The Afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all" -Ps 34:19

Today, choose to cast your cares unto him the one who created you and knows how to mend and heal you. Choose to let go.Receive his peace that surpasses all understanding and let him turn  your mess like he did for Joseph  into your message.

God Has  You Covered

With lots of love FV

Kike Akinola

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Song Of The Week

This weeks song of  the week is
Hosanna by Paul Baloche .Hope you love it too.
Have A Fab Week!!

Further Information
The Song is from the Album " A Greater Song "
Paul Baloche is a singer ,song writer ,worship leader and Pastor at the Community Christian Center.
His songs have been recorded by casting crowns , Anthony Evans and so on. It's a pretty amazing song . Hope you love it . Have a Blessed week people.

Video Credit; You Tube

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Inspiration Tuesday; You Have The Authority

"He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons ; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover" . Mark 16 :16-18

Often when this scripture is read , it is easy to dissociate ourselves from it . I mean do you read what the bottom part is saying cast out demons,drink up deadly things and it will by no means hurts us. It is easier to believe it is associated with a pastor and not regular you . I mean who are you really to exercise such authority but the truth is , first of all that's why it  is called authority .
Authority is ; A power  or right delegated or given ( .
Take for instance the traffic road instructor who stretches forth his hands to halt cars coming in various directions. The Traffic instructor definitely lacks the physical  strength to stop this cars yet once he stretches forth his hands the cars come to a complete stop.They do this not because he has the strength but because they are obligated to respect the authority that has granted this power.
In the case of a christian, the bible says in the book "Therefore God has highly exalted him and given him the name above all names , that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord,to the glory of the father". Phil 2: 9-11
Principalities, powers and everything that has a name is obligated to bow at the mention of the name Of "Jesus". They have no alternative but to bow at the name of Jesus.

Today's scripture is a reminder not to focus on ourselves but to focus on the one who has granted us the authority and exercise that authority given to us. He has been given the name above all names in this earth and the one to come and at the mention of his name every knee must bow and every tongue will confess he is lord.
The questions then is ;

  • Can We exercise this power  ?

Yes we can.The bible says " He who believes.... in my name ................"  Therefore everyone who believes in the name of Jesus has the authority to exercise this power.
We need to understand that , we do not exercise power because we  necessarily have the physical strength to do so, we exercise power because the spirit of God reigns in us and empowers us to do so in his name.
Acts 3:6 Tells of Peter  who recognized and chose to exercise the power in the name of Jesus when he came in contact with a lame man
 " Silver and Gold  I  do not have, but what I do have  give to you: In the name Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth , Rise Up And Walk" When You call upon the name of Jesus, the name above all names everything will bow and every tongue confesses that he is lord.

This Week be reminded that
There is Power in the name of Jesus to conquer every other name.
You as a believer have the authority to call upon the name of Jesus and exercise authority in his name because he has delegated you to do so.

Enough of staying silent . You are God's own empowered by him Speak Up!!!
Have A Blessed Week People

Photo Credit: World Wide Web

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Inspiration Tuesday; Say A Prayer For Nigeria !!!

Jeremiah 32:17
"Ah Lord God! Behold  You Have Made the heavens and The Earth By Your Great Power and Outstretched Arm .There Is Nothing to Hard For You .I am The Lord.

With the increase in death tolls and explosions in the country , there is literally not a day when you don't hear a  person letting out a sigh or  you don't  cringe when you read the headlines or help but wonder what may be .Today be encouraged  by these two separate scenarios in the bible when people were overwhelmed and terrified by their circumstances .

2 chronicles
The chapter tells of the story of a king Jehoshaphat  who had been informed by his troops that there was an army coming against them. The  interesting thing is that the people were terrified at first because they were afraid and they frankly did not know what to do.

"Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us . We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you."

They were not equipped to fight this army but rather than accept defeat ,  the king and the people sought God on the issue.They sang praises to him  and he delivered them and caused confusion in the camp of the enemy.

Exodus 14

It was the same for the Israelites. Who had become so terrified when they discovered the very Egyptians who had let them go were coming against them .

" As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord". Exodus 14:10

 There was a great sea before them and the Egyptian army was behind them. They had no weapons to attack them with. In spite of the Egyptians being so close, Moses the leader of Israelites, had hope in God and declared

" the Egyptians you see today , you will see no more. The lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Exodus 14: 13 ,14

That day the sea was split in two such that the waters became walls for the Israelites on the left and the right and a path was created in between the waters and they walked on dry land such that none of their foots were wet. He was able to  bring them out completely and their enemies were destroyed in one day .

We may not know how but he can make a way "Nothing is too hard for him".He who saved the Israelites , caused confusion in the enemies camp and brought that strong wind  that swallowed up the enemy ,is still God.

Today, remember the same deliverer then is the same deliverer now.It may seem hopeless, we frankly may not know how but as long as he lives, there is hope for Nigeria . We may not know how the help may come, we may be limited in what we can physically do but   we can choose not to fold your arms today or let out a sigh or give into fear and discouragement . Choose to look to God who is able to Make a way .
Say A prayer for Nigeria  with me today.

Don't Give Up Hope . God lives!!

Have A Fab Week!!!!!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Song Of The Week!!!!

And you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with your whole heart.
Jer 29 :13

This weeks song of the week makes you fall more and more in love with Jesus. It is a reminder that nothing ,no one can satisfy or love the way he does .The  truth is you can move beyond basing your Christianity on what  people say about him, to what you know for yourself and by yourself.It can go deeper you can experience him, come to know him and grow in that knowledge of him  if  you seek him with your whole heart.Some of us are in between you are neither here nor there rather than being on the borderline why not jump in. You have everything to gain .All you need is call upon him .

If you haven't received him as your Lord and savior , come in today into his love that forgives our sins and gives us a new identity in him.For as he died so were all our sins buried with him and as he is risen all those who believe in him, are alive in him.

Old things have passed away  behold all things  has become new.You are a new creature in Christ. IN psychology it s called" tabulara rasa "meaning a blank slate. As a new born baby is without a past so are you. Your sins are far gone and no longer define who you are.You have a new identity and its in Christ Jesus

Song of the week - Holy Spirit by Jesus culture

Video Credit; You Tube.
Further Information
Holy Spirit  is Track 5 on the album "Live From New York"

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Inspiration Tuesday ;Seek The Lord

Seek the Lord while he  may be found,
Call Upon him while he is near.
Isiah 55:6

It is quite easy to get carried away with striving to make it to work, striving to meet deadlines or just striving to make it in general.In as much as these are important don't  prioritize it to the point that you keep God at arm's length.

Today's Scripture reminds us to make out time for God  while we can  for a time will come when this will not be the case.To seek is  to make a search or to make an investigation.It is only those who seek that find.
Make getting to know your maker a priority even as meeting deadlines , getting a career , getting hitched are important ; they should not take preeminence over getting to Know God. You Can be as close to God as you want. The Question is how much time are you willing to put in.
Listen to that CD , tape , involve him in your day, sing to him, pray or spend time with the word .
Have a Blessed Week people.

Photo Credit; World Wide Web

Friday, 11 July 2014

Hot Topic; Can There Be A Marriage Or Relationship without The Spouse Cheating?

I find that a lot of people especially women have accepted it as their lot in life, some even say well it is second nature and nothing can be done about it .However, I disagree with this perspective .
If you focus all your attention on making your marriage work, it will work.Starve your eyes, ears and mind from anything but your wife or husband. The truth is the grass is not always greener on the other side. When you cut corners, You cannot have it whole. Imagine a square that the corners are cut off, it automatically ceases to be a square, and it becomes a shape nobody knows or cares for. It becomes worthless.
When you cheat on your spouse, for whatever reason and in whatever form, you are robbing not only him or her but also yourself of what could  potentially be a wholesome and healthy relationship.
You are not only disrespectful to him or her but to yourself.If you cannot honor a commitment you made on your wedding day, one man one wife , to have and to hold etc

I find that people don't understand the agreement or contract that is marriage. It is more serious than any business agreement or any sort of contract you can think of.Recently Apple purchased beats beats by Dre for billions of dollars . A contract was put in place and there were terms set ,agreed upon and sealed by the appending of signatures by both parties. Under  no circumstance can that deal be broken because there would be serious legal implications.

Marriage is more binding than that. You essentially take an oath before God.;To honor , care and cherish that individual , no gimmicks.The truth is that there should be an understanding that there are no longer any options anymore. A lot of people say "Men cheat, it's second nature". "It is impossible for them not to" but then what happens to the scripture that says I  can do all things through Christ who strengthens me or With God all things are possible . It doesn't just apply to specific things .God's grace abounds and is limitless.

The same way we trust the word to apply to other situations we have to trust it applies here too.You might still argue it is different but the bible says "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" so i believe and know it is possible. Trust God for the grace to stay faithful  to your spouse, and love only him or her.All of God's Grace to a man or woman that doesn't receive it or choose to function in it is like a gift underutilized and neglected. I think we should take advantage of God's grace to do things that ordinarily we might not be able to do on our own .There may be a lot of temptations, sure the flesh and spirit tug at each other  but you can overcome the spirit can prevail . Don't get into it if you want to be married yet act single, It is a commitment to love, cherish, stay faithful and honor those vows .It would take grace and more grace but the good thing about it, is that the grace doesn't run out so it can be done.


Photo Credit: World Wide Web.
Written by Oyinkansola Ogundipe & Akinola Kikelomo for TheFvfactor

Song Of The Week !!!!

This weeks song of the week is simply amazing. As I listened to this song, these scriptures flooded my mind and it brought a smile on my face and literally kept me smiling every time I played it.

"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him,because he always lives to intercede for us".Hebrews 7:25

"I  will not leave you as orphans ; I will come to you.A little while longer and the world will see me no more , but you will see me" . Because I live you will live also. John 14:18,19

As the week gradually comes to an end, remember You are not orphan. You are never alone through the good times and the challenges , Jesus has got you. If there is anybody that knows the depth of your heart , If there is anyone who deserves your praise , it is him. Yes, you do  have a friend, father,companion,counselor , healer ,helper who saves completely,who is not far off and lives to pray on your behalf. Hope you love it

Song Of The Week -Come to Jesus Chris Rice

Further  Information
Come To Jesus is on the "Run The Earth , Watch the Sky Album
Video Credit; You Tube

Truths From Twelve Months Past !!!!

Hey  readers , I sincerely apologize for the long break. I just couldn't find time in the past few weeks to center in on my taught's but thank God that's over now . This time last month was the day after my birthday. I turned 2* (lol) .In light of that I came up with a compilation of  certain truths which I truly embraced this past year..I missed blogging and missed you all too.  Hope you enjoy it

P.S Do check out the previous post for the song of the week  and check  for a new segment on the blog ' Hot topics'.

1. The people you surround yourself with could either make you or break you .

2.There is a time to plant and a time to reap.Patience is not as bad as you think.

3. It is paramount to  to create time for still for a moment, worship for a moment , take a walk, breathe, shut the noise out and be still.

4. It is still true that you that you cannot please everyone in life.As much as lies is in you be at peace with all men.What is important is you give it your best.

5. The little things that may seem insignificant do make a difference when it meets up with the right person.Keep the little things.They do count.

6. If it is worth doing, do it well.Your work or anything that you do is a reflection of you so give it your best.

7. Time goes by really fast,try to make the most of the moments and never forget your camera phone or camera so you can relieve them over and over.

8. You can never know beyond what you are exposed to. Seek More,Get Understanding.

9.Great things don't come to those who sit in front of TV all day.

10.Success is not cheap. Wishing does not get you your dreams, hard work , perseverance and God's grace does.

11.Embrace new challenges that take you out of your Comfort zone.

12. Without a challenge, you will never be able to harness or unveil the potential within you.

13. The richest place in the world is the graveyard .Why? because a lot of people die with their potentials and ideas.

14. When God says Commit "All" your ways to him, he literally means "All". " In All your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path".

15. It could be a busy world and making a living is important  but don't forget to make time for others most especially the ones you say you love because when its all said and done, what speaks would not be how much you made  but who you were.

16. Character is not formed in one day.

17. Your words should be backed up with actions because your actions over time determines integrity and integrity in turn determines what we know as character .

18. You are indecisive because you are too afraid to trust your Gut. Man UP!! (It's a daily process)

19. Plan,Plan, Plan. A little organisation could save you a lot of stress and missed opportunities. Let the last minute spirit go. You can actually do things without being stressed out

20. A bad attitude is like a Flat tire you cannot go anywhere unless you change it.

Photo  Credit ; Jiang Shen

Monday, 26 May 2014

How About A Little Inspiration ??

On the Journey to discovering self , there are certain questions which  tend to come up such as ;  Are we all actors on a stage?What is the difference between entertainers , professionally skilled individuals who are successful at what they do and those who are not? Is there any indication of where purpose lies ?  These and many more make up the questions that arise in our minds at certain points however I found this video clip by Denzel which not only  gives some solid insight into these questions  but gives a  a great way to start off the week.  Have a Fab Week people !!

Video Credit : You Tube.

Friday, 23 May 2014

The Set Up a.ka Yes I am Single Part 2 !!!!!!

With the rise of a lot of wedding blogs ,sites and invitations, It could be almost impossible for a girl not to get mesmerized with it or as we say catch the wedding fever.  Even if you do not frequent some of the weddings sites ,  invitation from friends knock at your door .If that is not the case, then maybe a family member might just send one or a colleague at work.

I find it  funny how not too long ago our main concern was to get an education. In the process try to make some friends, join most of the fun school clubs , make the best grades , make some more friends  and nothing else mattered . It was all fun and games . The widely made instruction by most of the parents was focus on what you were sent to school to do no time for boyfriends. Then school ends and they cant seem to have an important conversation without marriage being included. Don't get me wrong .I don't disagree with a genuine question about it but when it becomes so frequent and it goes beyond family to the society as a whole asking questions, it could  mount pressure on a girl. At weddings attended ,one aunt or two must extend pleasantries with questions about marriage and some are bold enough to utter words like "don't worry  next time it will be yours" or "We are waiting for you". Thus mounting unnecessary pressure and dis content in the minds  of people.
A lot of females  get depressed when they haven't met that guy . I mean the sociological and biological clock is ticking so it is only right that one should get worried about the issue. I mean you need a reply to give those people who wont stop asking questions  however , this makes a lot of  people  rush into marriage , make mistakes , hence one of the major contributions to  the high rate of divorces. Don't get me wrong I am all for marriage  , all for love, ( evident in the fact that I watched days of our lives for almost ** years of my life)  and all for relationships.I mean I have saved pictures from bella naija and some other weddings sites and I may or may not have my playlist for my wedding*wink*. However, I feel that nobody should be  pressured into it . Nobody should be made to feel unhappy or inadequate because they are unmarried.. Some of us have even come to believe that that is where our happiness lies but the truth is that there are married people that are truly unhappy and there are single people that are unhappy too so happiness does not necessarily depend on your relationship status changing or a huge ring being placed on your finger or being single either.
               It lies in knowing yourself and loving yourself first .  You only bring to the table who you are , if you are an unhappy person, the fact that a wedding takes places does does not mean that space of unhappiness suddenly disappears( More on this in later post). This unhappiness and desperation has led a lot of people to settle for less and to worry. You should love yourself enough not to settle for someone who does not respect you or treat you right . I know society tries to  put this pressure on however, society will not be there with you when you are sad and you feel all alone in  the marriage.  Nobody should make you rush into anything you are not ready for or make you question God's ability to give you the right person. The one who respects you and loves you  and appreciates you .
 You see, me too , I love love, I love the romantics, and Love to be loved but I am against rushing into a marriage because of society or any other wrong reasons. You are the apple of God's eye. His own masterpiece. A reflection of him made in his image and his likeness . You deserve to be treated right, you deserve to be loved right and treated with honor , " the bible says  that a husband is to love the wife even as Christ loves the church" - eph 5: 25

"Husband, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church - a love marked by giving , not getting. Christ's love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty.Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, Dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness". - The Mess Eph 5 : 25- 28

Don't let this pressures undermine what God has planned for you. Let it be resolved in your mind that his plans for you are "Good " .Don't you think finding a good partner is good? Don't you think being treated right is good ? I tell you that as long you are open to marriage , you are being sociable, the right person would come along. You don't need to worry or settle .
 "For I know the plans that I have for you ' declares the lord , plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope". - Jer 29: 11

I know its pretty hard for some of us not to worry about it but worrying really does not help. It is also a demonstration of lack of trust in God. No to fear, No to worrying and Yes to Enjoying yourself, being happy ,holding on to what God says and going about life knowing that  Jesus has got you covered.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Wednesday Song day !!!!

 This weeks song of the week  reminds me so much about this scripture

So , what do you think ? With God on your side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? Rom 8: 32

It is really an encouragement not just for marriage but for everything else.If only you can take out time everyday this week to reflect on God's love for you , everything else seems pretty small ;remember that he who loved us so much and sent his only begotten son for us,would freely give us all things .It is this love that makes us remain confident and bold that what he says is true and more true than anything else. `

Song of the week - How He loves by Jesus Culture . This song is simply amazing. God's love is amazing. Hope you love it. Enjoy Your Week !!!!

Video Credit : You tube.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Must See Clip ;Yes! I am Single !!!!!!!!

Hey people. This week  is  pretty exciting for me as I share my perspective on a very delicate issue "Marriage" . I had heard about the pressure in our society about it .However , I was in school away from home so I hadn't experienced it first hand.  It was quite surprising and interesting  that  not long after I got home, I had this conversation ;
 Aunt :Is there anybody,
Me :No
Aunt :  Why ?
Me :  Well, because there just  isn't anyone
 Then I had a smile on my face and I laughed about it. To my surprise , my aunt who is usually laid back had this stern look and states that it is a serious issue. Caught up with old friends to discover there were similar issues all around. Lets not bring in the weddings and the side comments by people about when yours is going to happen . This inspired the decision to talk about it .Enjoy the discussion below that covers part of this topic. I found this video  really intriguing  don't necessarily agree with every perspective shared  but it truly covers a lot of the insecurities and issues people have because of the pressures affiliated with marriage. Please share and do check out my post on Wednesday; for the Song Of The Week and Friday for the post  "The set up a.k.a as  "Yes I  Am Single 2".

Video Credit : YouTube

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Wednesday Song Day !!!!!

"This is what the lord says  Heaven is my throne , and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me?Where will my resting place be? Isiah 66:1  This week's song of the week is a reminder of  the greatness of our God . Take a moment to picture this ; The one  in whom the nations are as drop in a bucket to ,is our God.
" Behold the nations are as a drop in a bucket, And are counted as small dust on the scales ; look, he lifts up the isles as a very little thing " - Isiah 40 : 8

The one who  speaks and the winds and waves obey him is our God.
" What Kind of Man is this ? Even the winds and waves obey him " -Matthew 8:27

The one who breathes and the enemies of his own are destroyed is our God

 "You blew on the sea and the water piled up high;it stood up straight like a wall;the deepest part of the sea became solid . The enemy said , 'I will pursue them and catch them ;I will divide their wealth and take all  I want ; I will draw my sword and take all I want ; I will draw my sword and take all they have 'But one breath from you,Lord, and the Egyptians were drowned ; they sank like lead in the terrible water". -exodus 15 :8-10

That same God yesterday is Our God and he is the same God today.

Circumstances cannot contain our God, neither do they phase him . He is too Big and mighty to be contained.  Be encouraged this week that there is no circumstance or anything you face that is bigger than your God or bigger than you for he  that is for you and  inside of  you is greater than he that is in the world.

Song Of The Week - Chris Tomlin ; How Great Is Our God .  Hope you love It. Have a Fab Week !!!

  The People of God worshiping him with the same song  in different languages.

Video credit ; You tube.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Never Say Never Series Vol 1 ; Dying to self

We are beyond excited to share our very first interview with you all.  We enjoy when we hear and see the change that Jesus  makes in the life of people . It is quite amazing when you hear where people have been, how God has saved them and continues to save. This interview with Miss Odion Omojiade  is the first of many more more interviews and  stories to come and our aim really is to share the best gift ever given Jesus with you.

Dying Daily to Self
A young Passionate and resilient Lady who works with an NGO, enjoys travelling, reading books, listening to music(non -secular) and pod casts rooted in the word of God.

She  balances her time by hanging out with friends and volunteering at a children's center close to home and church on Sundays. 

The Old Odion
Miss Omojiade was born in a christian household and attended church every Sunday however, 'that relationship' with God was missing. While in University she like any other young lady at the time , was on a quest in exploring the most talked about TV show Gossip Girl.Unfortunately, she stumbled upon something else (Pornography). It became an addiction she struggled with for two years. She was secretive about it and never told anyone. She knew it was wrong and destructive but could not exercise that  restraint over herself.The fact that she was self-disciplined helped her not to fool around with guys but to focus on her education yet this in itself was not enough as pornography affected her religious life because on some Sundays she wouldn't go to church for fear of soiling the church  after she had engaged in those acts during the course of the week. It was difficult to put a halt to it, she lived in the guilt and condemnation.

The Change
What Changed?
I didn't have that prodigal son moment *lol*(The coming to your senses moment)
I was desperately searching for spirituality, wanted to know God , wanted a close relationship with God.
My Friend had this relationship I could see it when we hung out and  I craved the relationship she  had. I tried to do it on my own .I couldn't go to church because I just didn't think they will understand. I started reading books.I attended youth programmes with the hope that I would find him and find the help I craved.

 One day on the bus , my mind was interrupted with lustful thoughts, and right there I asked God to do his work in me since he is the God that does the impossible.I made the decision to get baptized and from that old person to this new person. Its almost like a dream .Sin had lied to me and promised to satisfy me.I was totally blind, and would not have seen  the things I know now. I am forever grateful to God . It was not a one day epiphany for me,it was a step by step process and it still is.

Behold all Things Have Become New
I  started tweeting words laid in my heart by the holy spirit and inspirational truths which  I had started to live by when a friend urged me to start a blog .I  honestly didn't want to at first because I was not ready for the work involved .After much hesitation and the constant push by my friend, I got to do it.

What Inspired the Name dying To self?
I actually prayed about it, I didn't want it to be about me. We do not live for ourselves , we live for him. Every day we wake up we tell him we are weak without him, we need his help ...things are happening and I do not want to give in to self. Asked him If it is okay for it to be this and I don't think he disputed, because I tried another name ' not about me ' and it was taken.

Friends and The world
 Some people are still not okay with it. I was reminded by someone that I was not the person I used to be; we are young and should have fun.Some feel they can't talk to me about boys anymore (didn't give them a reason to think that). I was hurt when friends stopped talking to me. The bold ones told me to my face. Basically, people just walked away because of the labels they have put on Christians. It was quite tough, but
the holy spirit has helped me respond with love.

I am not pointing people to Christ because I have had my fun and its now Jesus time. I cannot force anyone but what I can do, is to tell of what he has done for me and the true satisfaction that only he can give .

What  Happens When Things Do Not Go As Planned ? Would You Go Back?
The thing is, Jesus did not promise  that it will go smoothly. I've never seen where in the bible it says that when you give your life to Christ you'll have no troubles. I have faced persecutions( of course not Jesus Kind of persecutions) but there will be opposition and obstacles but the word of God is our sword that we use everyday . Those moments will come , they came while I was in the world and they still come now, the difference is Jesus is my solid rock now.

When the persecutions come I lean on the Holy spirit . I try to be honest with him in prayer, I let my heart out to him in prayer and he gives me his overwhelming peace through his word.

What Is Your Take On Relationships?
I am not in a relationship at the moment but I would definitely be attracted to a man who is in love with God, which is also reflected in the  the company he keeps and what he is doing. A man who is actually married to Christ and not dating him on the side .

He will be in my life not to complete me because Jesus already completed me but add to me and we will both advance the Kingdom of God together.

It is just easier because when the Guy is God centered he wouldn't put you in compromising situations.

In all things we need to CHOOSE RIGHT, God has given us the power to choose between life  and death , so choose life so you and your descendants may live.
By the leading of the Holy spirit and godly guidance you get to know things you cannot see with your natural eyes.

Finding Some Balance In This Busy World
There is frankly always a lot to be done and there needs to be a balance especially If you live in a busy city but it is important to remember that in spite of how demanding the days may be, God has given us the capacity to do all that he has entrusted to us.

Grace be with you always .....................................

Credits :  Interview by Debbie Fash for The Fv Factor.
Thanks Odion for sharing your time with us.

You can  check out Miss Omojiade's Blog " Dying daily to Self " and also join her and the  Connect C4C group this Sunday for a joint prayer section for the chibok girls # bring back our girls.

For More Information on this, check the 'Connect C4C ' page on Facebook.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Wednesday Song Day ; Hope Will Not Dissapoint

Happy New Month  People !!! I guess we have all seen or at least heard of the missing Chibok girls issues #bring back our girls ( in Nigeria).  I could have chosen to ignore as it has not affected me personally. After all, the north is far away from the West, and since the government does not care  why should I? but it would be totally ignorant to do so because like it or not , those girls are children t, sisters ,cousins and friends to some people.Tribe and religion aside, they are Nigerians and  do not deserve to be abducted , ill treated and unsafe in their own country.This  draws attention to the security issues in the country and  We all agree on the fact that we all need to know that we can  feel safe to a certain extent  in our own country. No Nigerian deserves to be treated this way. It is quite disheartening when you listen to the comments of the President and the antics or display of the firstly lady on the media on this particular issue  but I want to remind us that as long as there is life there is hope. Nigeria is not a hopeless situation, Our country cannot and will not be a lost cause. He who is able to save to the ends of the earth and lives to make intercession for us is alive .Don't give up hope ;don't stop praying , backing up your prayers with actions  and getting involved in any way that you can . As tempting as it is to get carried away and filled with rage towards the government, lets refrain from  uttering malicious  remember that the aim and goal behind participating, is to draw attention to this issue and bring our Girls back home..May Him who sits on the throne , he who is able to frustrate the plans of the enemy and able to make a way in the wilderness, Make a way for our Country.  It is well with Nigeria.

Our Song of the week is by Joyous Celebration - I will Lift my Eyes .Hope you love it.
P.s  Do check out the very first interview for the blog  on Friday.  Have a Fab Week.

Friday, 2 May 2014

IF You Only Knew!!!!!!

Death where is your sting. Jesus has made history.If only you knew that the very act you thought will harm him,would rather make his name known  all over the world  2000 years now and counting.If only you knew that his spirit could not be held bound by death.That his perfect love can never ever  be overcome .That he the King in life  is King even in death and  would forever remain King, you would not have condemned him .It sure looked totally hopeless but because you did .We were crucified with him and all our sins are washed away to be remembered know more . We are risen in him ,with new life in us not to be held bound by sin, by guit by shame or past mistakes.For there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus rom 8:1. 

This song Forever by Kari Jobe embodies this truth . It is truly a beautiful song .I hope you love it and  I hope  it gives you encouragement  and reminds you of the great love that has been shown towards us. Have a blessed Weekend!!!!

The moon and stars they wept
The morning sun was dead
The Savior of the world was fallen
His body on the cross
His blood poured out for us
The weight of every curse upon him
As Heaven looked away
The Son of God was laid in darkness
A battle in the grave
The war on death was waged
The power of hell forever broken
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated
Forever, He is glorified
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive
Forever, forever
Your resurrected King
You have overcome the grave
You have overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive (Forever)
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive

One final breath He gave
The ground began to shake
Forever, He is lifted high
The ground began to shake
Forever, He is glorified
You have overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
Forever, He is glorified
Forever, He is glorified

Video Credit : You tube

Friday, 18 April 2014

The One Who Chose' US ' Above Everything Else!!!!

Who is man that you are mindful of us,Who is man that you would give up your family and chances of having a life for us.Inspite of our frailty,inspite of the fact that we received you not.Inspite of the fact that your own disciple that you counted on denied you three times.You still stepped up and you took the cross on your shoulders.They mocked you and called you names,you could have called on a legion of angels; with one word they could  all be destroyed instantly .Yet,you humbled yourself you stayed put ,you endured the lashes and you carried the cross all the way to Golgotha with people still  mocking you all the way up there and you did not change your mind.You were nailed in the hands and in the feet.Your own father looked away from you because you carried the weight of our sin

Eli ,Eli lama sabacthani? that is " My God , My God, why have You Forsaken Me?"-Mark 15:34

but you still chose to endure rather than complain or be upset that we had condemned you .Just before you died a robber called out to you for mercy and immediately you received him.

I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise - Luke 23:34

 You didn't consider the fact that you the king of kings and Lord of Lords ,owner of the universe was being crucified with a robber,You did not consider all the things prior to that .You immediately received him and  as if that was not enough while enduring the pain on the cross .You were still thinking of us and so compelled by your love for us that you uttered

 Father Forgive them for they not what they are doing - Luke 23:34

Then the veil was torn in two, brought down, so that we who are not deserving can receive the love openly displayed for us.That we can come into your presence boldly and can cry out Abba father. Oh father to you be the glory ,to you be the honor , to you be the adoration.

Your love is amazing,it's mind puzzling, It's  indescribable,it's all I want, all I need and more. There is nothing we could ever do that could measure up to your love but today, we thank you for the cross and the limitless benefits it brings.

Video credit -You Tube

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Food For Thought ; You Are Forgiven!!!!

 Show me a person that has never sinned and I'll show you the face of a Liar from the Pit of Hell. Show me a person that has never made a mistake and I'll show you the face of a liar from the same pit of hell. Some way some how there are things you might have done that you are not proud of. There might even be mistakes made that may just be between you and God but the Truth is you do not have to leave in that state of  guilt and shame.You do not have to be a prey to the accuser(satan) of the brethren. Jesus Christ came in his fulness and made a public spectacle of satan and his followers for you.  It could be just a chapter in your life and not the entire story of  your life .I mean that you could choose to be a product of your past and wrongs and not a Prisoner of It. His name is Higher than any name , any type of guilt shame and wrongdoing. All you need is repent.Call upon him with a sincere heart  for forgiveness whosoever calls upon his name shall be saved -rom 10:13 then receive forgiveness and believe you are forgiven.
The bible says   As far as the east is from the west so has he removed  our transgressions  from us - psalm 103:12  He has removed your sins away from you the past is the past receive his complete forgiveness, unfailing love and embrace the future.

Picture Credit : Joseph

Friday, 11 April 2014

Quit Chasing Shadows Embrace You!!!!!

Some say the  most important relationship is interpersonal but I found that  an intrapersonal relationship is much more rewarding because you can only give what you have , if you do not love yourself you cannot love others.If you do not love yourself, you cannot believe in yourself.No matter how many times you are told to if you cannot get passed the barrier of embracing self,It would be a constant struggle to believe in yourself or take on anything else.

One of the major reasons why people don't believe in themselves  is because many of us have compared ourselves so much to others that when you stand in the mirror, all you see is  all the comparisons made out in your head. I mean If only you were as beautiful as.....,If only you had the job of.....,If only you could sing as much as ,if only you looked a lot bit like. The funny thing about it is that sometimes we already have our own thing going or are on the verge of it but because you are so concerned about comparing ourselves with others , you cannot see it and you cannot  see anything about yourself to  love. You cannot hear it when God says you are made in his image and likeness and that when he created you,Yes You , he said you were Good and that's what matters. I mean there is a difference  when somebody else says you are good or you are beautiful and God says  You are "Good". With God it is permanent.Even though' the earth be removed the word of the Lord is forevermore".I tell you, the day  you realise that you  don't need to compare yourselves constantly to others,  is the day you begin to look inward and spend time to discover what God had deposited inside of you. In Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.Sometimes it will require  plastering it on your mirror and saying it to yourself out loud so that your mind and spirit can lay hold of it.That you are not just good, you are God's masterpiece made in his image and his likeness for good works. You are not a mistake .He does not make mistakes . You were not made to simply exist or copy. There is something unique to you that only you can give .You are a light to shine in whatever field you find yourself in.

It's Funny how writing this , I had a major flashback to my childhood days, when we teased one of my cousins of how her voice wasn't anything near Mariah Carey's voice(she really loved her)lol. I mean we did this  from school till we got home. The interesting thing was she would always yell back at us that 'She didn't have to be like Mariah'. Her voice was special just the way it was. On some days, she would say this out loud  with tears in her eyes and that will make us remorseful for the day then we chose another day to pick on her again. She has a pretty amazing voice and I seriously do not know why we did it(Thank God for the blood of Jesus that changed our hearts)but you know what comes to mind now.

We were young quite alright but she knew that her voice was unique and regardless of the fact that there might be other people with voices better than hers , she just knew hers was special and she was not going to let us or anybody else put her down or make her see her gift as insignificant.  As long as it was given to you by God then you should not see your gift as insignificant. She was a little girl but she had come to embrace her voice ,embrace her own craft, she was not chasing anyone per say but was more interested in spending time with her gift , nurturing it and investing it as she joined her school choirs, went for competitions and mehn did she sing boldly when she had competitions.

Loving you is what  brings about that self confidence that no man can give.With that self confidence comes courage to stand and  face obstacles that come your way. It helps you embrace your uniqueness,love it and treasure it.The truth is, it is quite frustrating trying to be somebody else or be a copy.It is only a deprivation to the enhancement of  the greatness inside of you because when you are so focused on others, you loose the time to harness, realise and build on the giftings God has placed inside of you.There comes a point in your life where you have to block out all that noise and realise that your competition should be with yourself and In order to achieve anything in your life ,you have to accept that as long as you were created by him,(the manufacturer) there is a purpose for you(product).

I heard a story of a young man who had been coming to church and was trying so hard to give up his drug dealing skills .He had  told his pastor that  was all he knew to do and he was not like other people with degrees or  amazing skills.There was nothing particularly special about him . I love the pastors reply.He told him that selling drugs was an act that required getting the word around(marketing),ensure customers are satisfied (customer service) and managing funds.Surely that can be translated into something more positive.This man had these gifts all along but could not see them because he had spent most of the time comparing himself to others thus limiting himself.

I also came across a story which hits close to home about a young lady who  had an amazing voice but It was not the same as the high soprano pitch voices of some other people in her life ,so to her, it was not sufficient and was not good enough.In spite of the fact that countless people had told her to embrace her tone because it was beautiful,she tried so hard to sound like the others.She thought her voice was ok but it just did not measure up in comparison to the others. Due to this, she was prevented from growing into her own. It was not until  she came to the realisation that everyone had their nitche and it was important to embrace hers that she quit chasing the shadows.
 She entered into true freedom  and became thankful for her gift .Soon enough,confidence came not  necessarily because of what people told her, but because she knew that God gave her that gift , it may be different but it was a gift from God and she will spend time with it,develop it and gain confidence in order to become her own.

The Final aspect which I can totally relate to,  is comparing yourself to other christians. I get looking up to people however when we look up to people , to the point that it becomes the most vital thing to us and we don't know who we are following anymore whether it is Jesus or it is the person,then there is a Problem. Have we forgetten that we are changed as we behold his face from glory to glory.

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the word of God ] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into his very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another [for this comes} from the lord [ Who is the Spirit. - 2 Cor 3 : 18.

The truth is as long as your today is better than your yesterday then you are on the right track.Everybody cannot be at the same pace, we were not all saved on the same day,our individual relationships with God is unique and thats ok.
Being concerned with how things should be ,what people expect of you,  how things are supposed to be, will only hold us back from his fullness and from living a progressive life.What you need is to" breathe". You live a real life and not an act.You are in contact with a real and progressive God who changes you from glory to Glory.You need to stop trying to the job of the Potter.Let the Potter Mould you into whom he had predestined you to be. Stop focusing on others .Turn your eyes unto him.His Spirit within you is more than sufficient to show you how to will and to do of his good pleasure.

As for you the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you.But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as the anointing is real, not counterfeit -just as it has taught you, remain in him.1 John 2:27

As long as he is Lord over our lives, he will lead us. We know what to do because we are in contact with a God that is alive.Some people have gotten so carried away with what people expect from us or trying to be like others that we don't even remember the last time we spent time with ourselves,with your thoughts or just being still.Neglecting the fact that it is in the stillness that we can be attentive to what the potter is saying .Stop looking to others concerning the path you think your life should take.

My son attend to my words: Incline Thine ear unto my sayings .Let Them Not depart from thine eyes; Keep them in the midst of thine heart.For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Prov 4:20 -22

Sometimes we just need to cry out and say lord you made me and you said you have given me all that pertains to life.Father Guide me lead me, I don't want to  look to anyone else but you "the Way "because it is in you that I find myself .Father I choose to be thankful for the gifts you have given me, all that I am , all that I have  and for your spirit that guides me and helps me every step of the way .I choose to embrace me,embrace myself in you and choose to live each day in the freedom you have given me

Photo Credit - World Wide Web

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Wednesday Song Day!!!

This Week's Song Of the week, is inspired by Psalm 121.Sometimes you have to remind yourself of who your source and God is. Be encouraged that he does not forget his own and he never will.He makes a way in the wilderness for you and as long as you are his, He will keep you and make a way.  Keep your Head Up God Has Got You !!!!!!!

Psalm 121
I will lift up my eyes to the hills -
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to be moved
He who keeps you will not slumber
Behold, he who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep .

The Lord is your keeper
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

The Lord Shall Preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve Your soul
The Lord Shall preserve your going out and coming in
From this time forth and forevermore.

The Song of The Week is God I look to you - Bethel Church.
Hope you love it as much as we do.

God I Look To You Lyrics

God I look To you
I won't be Overwhelmed
give me vision to see things like You do
God I look to you
You're where My helps comes from
Give me wisdom You know just what to do.

And I will Love You lord My strength
And I will Love you lord my Shield
And I will love you Lord my Rock
Forever all my days I will love you God

Hallelujah our God reigns
Hallelujah Our God reigns
Hallelujah Our God reigns
Forever all my days Hallelujah.

Video Credit: You tube