Monday 3 March 2014

Welcome to Femme Vertueuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to welcome you all to the blog It's my first post Yaay!!I dedicate this one to all the beautiful women out there,full figured plus size,mini size all shapes and sizes.You and all the other  women,are  my inspiration for starting up this blog and for writing this first post.

 I am going to be totally honest with you.It took me a really long time posting this up because for some reason I let fear set in and embraced without necessarily knowing, the excuse that my first real  job at the time was super demanding and  I just didn't have the time.It is important to note  that  I said" set in "because the truth is somehow everyone is faced with some form of fear about certain things but its a choice to give in or fight back.One of the major sources of fear is our thoughts.The thoughts of what if,what will people think, e.t.c,but our thoughts are seeds and when we think on them , we water it and when we water it,it is bound to take root in our hearts.The truth is, the effect of fear  is only realized in the power and attention we give it.When faced with fear, we can either give into Fear or take the other route which is Faith .Faith and fear ask us to believe something about the unknown.If we choose fear which sees a negative outcome occurring,we never try,we stay in our comfort Zone and we never discover the avenues and many doors God can open for us. If we take the other route which is Faith,which is not as easy because it demands us to look beyond the physical ,our abilities,take on tasks that we have never done before, we would have to let go,believe God's got it all under control and just trust him .

When I finally decided to face the truth, which I am glad  I did, by listening to what God had to say instead ,I chose Faith,let go and overcame the fear, by simply not feeding those thoughts. In 2cor10:4,5 the bible says," the Weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,bringing every THOUGHT INTO CAPTIVITY TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST".In other words, we have to bring our thoughts in line with what God says.
 rom10:11 says "Whoever believes on him will not be put to shame.The truth is there is really no one who had put their trust in him that he ever put to shame .However when we allow thoughts that do not line up with his word in,we find ourselves agreeing with it, and we are thus unable to see and agree with his word.The power of our  thoughts, are easily underestimated but one of the greatest truths I have found, is not to take our thoughts for granted,because we win the Battle First in Our Minds.

 This  blog has been a long way coming and words can't describe how glad  I am that the battle won in my mind, transcended to a determination to seeing it set up.The essence of this blog really  is to share real stories and experiences of the love and Grace of God that has saved  and continues to save each day.It is amazing  the simple things that got me intrigued with christianity at the beginning of this journey such as the fact that there were up to 500 gospels songs that existed and they actually had different genres lol.Also, the fact that you could actually have a relationship(father-daughter ,friend,confidant) with God and it wasn't just about what you could get from him.

The  ladies involved with the team, also wanted to share their experience about what intrigued them the most about christianity at the beginning as well;

Honestly,when I gave my life to christ, cannnot remember what  I found interesting, it just seemed natural.Now After sort of developing and getting into a relationship with God ,the most intriguing thing would be his love.The fact that it never fails,it never gives up and never runs out on me.I am not sure if I fully understand it yet,but I am who I am because of his love.

The most intriguing thing for me, will definitely be a whole new perspective on life.

Our hope is that true the real stories experiences , music, pictures ,videos,interviews and other interest  shared, We come to the understanding that we are not alone in the race and we get to know him more, embrace him more ,embrace who we are in him and encounter him ourselves .My  hope is that we all get to live, laugh more, love more and be a blessing to our world. I am so thrilled, elated, overjoyed, excited, glad,ok I'm going to calm down. Welcome to Femme Vertueuse!!!!!!!!

P.s Be on the look out for our Song of the Week, our post on helpful tips in overcoming fear and do remember not to underestimate your thoughts.


  1. Great piece right here. Perfect choice of topic.. No better Person to discuss than God. I'm excited about this blog and will be right here waiting as it unfolds into something bigger than us because it's God involved *winks*
